コンサルタントExecutive Consultant

清田 祐介プリンシパル
Yusuke SeitaPrincipal
上智大学 法学部 国際関係法学科 卒業後、外務省入省。外交官として、対ASEAN外交、特に人物・教育交流分野の政策推進業務や政府要人の通訳を担当。
Yusuke SeitaPrincipal
After graduating from Sophia University with a B. A. in International Legal Studies, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There, as a diplomat, he was engaged in promoting diplomatic policy with ASEAN, especially in the field of interpersonal and educational exchanges and serving as Interpreter for high-ranking government official.
Then, at Waseda University, he was mainly involved in the advancement of educational and research partnerships with various organizations in EU countries.
Meanwhile, he has made it his life work to support the career development of more than 200 individuals including working adults from public offices, leading companies and university students.
He joined Concord to support business leaders for them to lead healthy and fulfilling lives based on their own "likes" and what excites them.
岡部 光邦Mistukuni Okabe
餘茂田 一成Kazunari Yomota
吉田 和久Kazuhisa Yoshida
朏 徹Toru Mikazuki
西谷 有生Yuki Nishitani
宇田 陽香Haruka Uda
冨澤 慈人Yoshito Tomizawa
竹端 直弥Naoya Takehana
小寺 礼香Ayaka Kotera
高橋 真紀Maki Takahashi
矢田 真奈Mana Yada
瀧田 聡Satoshi Takita
佐藤 和子Kazuko Sato
落合 茂宏Shigehiro Ochiai
佐竹 尚Nao Satake
清田 祐介Yusuke Seita
糸永 隆介Ryusuke Itonaga
髙木 月人Tsukito Takagi
佐藤 勇介Yusuke Sato
染谷 勝成Katsunari Someya
福島 悠介Yusuke Fukushima
植野 星香Seika Ueno
土門 憲史Kenji Domon
濱本 ひかるHikaru Hamamoto
渡辺 貴也Atsuya Watanabe
西條 恵子Keiko Nishijo